Fine Artworks

Discover our Collection of Contemporary Artworks

Markowicz Fine Art makes buying fine artworks easy and fun! Browse our vast array of artworks by both established and emerging fine art artists from around the world and fall in love with the perfect piece to inspire you—whether it’s photography, sculpture, prints, paintings on canvas or mixed media.


Since its inception in 2010, Markowicz Fine Art has been helping collectors and art lovers build their art collections with amazing contemporary artworks of different styles and movements, no matter whether it’s the first art acquisition or an addition to an extensive collection. Specializing in curating artworks for residential, commercial, and hospitality projects—including prestigious hotels and restaurants—our expertise ensures that each piece seamlessly integrates into its environment, enhancing the aesthetic appeal and ambiance of any space.


With three galleries across the United States and a strategic partnership with Bel-Air Fine Art, boasting 24 galleries throughout Europe, we offer unparalleled access to a diverse mix of abstract or hyperrealist artworks, street and pop art, all while providing a seamless and enjoyable experience.