The Art of Western Imagery

Somewhere between fashion shoots, photographer Beau Simmons found a hankering for the western lifestyle.
Stephen Montoya, Fort Worth Magazine, November 7, 2023

It’s not often we get to write an article that mentions Fort Worth as the centerpiece for an upcoming art show in Dallas, but that’s exactly what this piece is about. Well, sort of.

Yes, it’s true that a photograph taken at the legendary Stockyards is one of a dozen that will be on display at the Markowicz Fine Art Gallery in Dallas on November 16 at 6 p.m. for the exhibition titled “Reflections of the West.” What’s also true is this photo is one of many that longtime western lifestyle photographer Beau Simmons took for this upcoming show. These images capture what Simmons refers to as a “forgotten way of life.” Or what we call a normal Tuesday in Fort Worth, filled with cowboy hats and western motifs — 70s style excluded.