Annalu Italian, b. 1976

Annalu was born in San Donà di Piave, Venice, in 1976. She lives in the right bank of the Piave river in Passarella di San Donà di Piave, Venice.

Annalu's works have been shown in a number of Italian and foreign museums, and can be found in public and private collections all other the world.

Annalu  is adept at metamorphosis.

Her emblematic “DREAMCATCHERS” are invitations to reflection, moments of abstraction between suggestion, reality and fantasy, where art is the protagonist.

The artist draws her inspiration from nature and ancient Italian techniques. With an almost scientific approach, she attempts to freeze a precise moment in time and space in her three-dimensional works.

Using fiberglass, bark, bitumen, cement and Murano glass, she creates new realities, suspended worlds, imaginary architectures where the alchemy is lightness.