Guido Argentini Italian, b. 1966

Guido Argentini, born amidst the Renaissance charm of Florence, Italy in 1966, eventually found his artistic muse in the vibrant landscapes of Los Angeles, relocating there in 1990. Initially drawn to medicine, he succumbed to the irresistible allure of photography and his profound fascination with the feminine mystique. His creative journey manifested in a series of captivating books, each unveiling distinct facets of womanhood.

"Private Rooms" epitomized his exploration of female sensuality within intimate settings, from opulent villas to humble motels, transforming mundane spaces into the backdrop for his voyeuristic fantasies. "Reflections" delved deeper, seeking to unravel the psychological intricacies and introspection within women's minds. His latest venture, "Argentum," a continuum from his initial book "Silvereye," captured athletic models adorned in metallic glow paint, portraying powerful yet graceful human forms amidst geometric stage settings—an ode to divine beauty.

Argentini redefined women as modern-day deities, reclaiming their lost status from bygone eras. His evocative photography found homes in prestigious publications like Marie Claire and Playboy, while exhibitions across the globe, from Tokyo to Los Angeles and Russia, showcased the enigmatic allure of his work. Through his lens, he continues to honor femininity's depth, grace, and transcendent beauty, inviting viewers into a realm where divinity and humanity converge.